Geo Data Collector iOS APP

Advanced Field Data Collection Application Works Offline

Support for user Loaded Map Data

“Fast and flexible field data collection”

Geo Data Collector is an advanced field data collection mapping app,Flexible form designer and adhoc in-app form building

Supports saving data in GeoJSON and conversion to GeoPackage Vector Features and other formats coming soon.Form design is a JSON file that’s easily shared and distributed to other users. Design form on our form builder webpage

GPKG vector features

(users can style their data also supports dynamic raster tiles generation for handling big data)

Vector Data Converter

– can convert User Zipped Shapefile (WGS84), KML, GPX, CSV, WKT to GeoJSON


GeoJSON (users can style their data).

MBTILES - Vector tiles

MBTILES – Vector tiles (users can apply a style their data)

GPKG - Raster Tiles

GPKG – Raster Tiles (3857 web mercator only)


MBTILES -Raster tiles

Form Designer

Create a form design in the app or in browser and share it with your team (JSON Schema)

Advanced data collection forms and flexible capture
methods Draw/digitize (Manual), GPS, Automatic
capture multiple geometries with the same form and rapidly and easily switch between forms

Supports saving data in GeoJSON and GeoPackage Vector Features

This works completely offline

Does NOT Require any server-side database/featureserver/api to use this.  NO proprietary formats.

Also supports adhoc records for new data collection requirements

The Map is powered by OSM Vector Tile basemap and is fast and responsive

Export collected data as GeoJSON & GPKG Rapidly switch between formsCollect any geometry with your form (points, lines, polygons, point offset.

Works with all Bluetooth GNSS Receivers and captures NMEA013 Metadata. So you can use this with an iPAD that’s WiFi only with external GNSS/GPS. (4G/5G iPADS have GNSS Receiver built in)

OpenStreetMap Vector Tiles with more than 8 Stylesheets to choose from including Klokantech Terrain/Topo Style

Contour Lines Vector Tiles

Hillshade Raster Tiles

Satellite Imagery Raster Tiles

GADM Boundary

Other Features

Attribute Table/Grid with Search

PlaceMarks/Spatial Bookmarks

Attach Unlimited


Supports Point


Ready to get started?

We offer 7 day fully unlocked trial to test all the features out and try before you purchase a subscription.

The initial launch promotion is only $14.99/year