Geo Data Collector ios App
Coming Soon
(Next 1-6 Months)
Data Integration

Sync to POSTGIS/PostgreSql database

Sync to ESRI Hosted
Sync to ESRI Hosted FeatureLayer/FeatureService(AGOL or Portal)
Sync to OGC WTS-T
Sync to OGC WTS-T (Geoserver /MapServer)
Vector Data Conversion Service
for handling large data and converting data collected to other formats like CAD DXF
Enhancements to form
Chained selects,conditional Logic
Server side
Server side report module
Live Location Tracking
Download and Sync to PostGIS/PostgreSQL and MySQL Databases (your own hosted database)
Download and Sync to ESRI FeatureServer (ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise/Portal)
Form Design tied to PostGIS Schema or FeatureServer Schema + Domains
Report Writer – Module
Server-Side Vector GIS Data Conversion – build GPKG Vector Features or MBTILES Vector Tiles or GeoJSON from big files.
Transform existing GIS Vector data into collectable/editable data in the app
Download and Sync to PostGIS/PostgreSQL and MySQL Databases (your own hosted database)
Advanced Digitizing/Drawing tools
GNSS metadata capture (PDOP, HDOP, VDOP, Horizontal/Vertical, # of Satellites, etc)
External Bluetooth GNSS Device Support
Map Export – create PNG/JPG
Enhanced search for local data
Additional map tools
Navigation – go to a location
Load your own online layers to the map (XYZ Raster Tiles, Vector Tiles, WMS,MapServer, FeatureServer, WFS,WMTS)
Data Styling
Support for QR Codes, Bar Codes, RFID
Support for Laser Range Finders for Offsets
Additional form capabilities – Conditional Logic, Chained Select
Real Time Tracking and Geofencing with alerts/notifications
Assignments /Work management